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The Honey Bee Conservancy 🐝 Travel Mugs with a Cause

the   A percentage of every sale will go towards The Honey Bee Conservancy when you Preorder The New Honey Bee Travel mug  🐝 🍯 Bees are at the heart of our survival and they are dying...let's help them! Imagine a grey world without almonds, apples or fragrant flowers… Sounds terrible, right? Unfortunately, that’s the shocking future we face if we don’t work to help our most precious pollinator: bees. Far from being a niche concern, bees is at the heart of our survival. One in three bites of food we eat depends entirely on bees – and they have been dying at unprecedented rates. Their hard work is not only essential to healthy ecosystems, but to sustaining animal and human life too. Bees pollinate one-third...

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